Sunday, October 25, 2009

Know Who I Am

This past week was an interesting one for me.
I have had a few triumphs and a few stagnation points.
Yet, through it all, I felt rather weepy.
Before I ascribe it to simply hormones (and it could simply be hormones), I want to ask myself if there is something I am just not permitting myself to see or to accept.
The truth is that I have worked very hard these past few years towards developing my sense of self and with it the confidence.
While my thin veneer of confidence is now bolstered by a real sense of worth, there still is a little doughnut-hole filled with air.
Yes, deep inside, there is a nugget of emptiness.
Though before it was easy to pierce through my veneer and enter this space, it is much harder now.
But here I am... feeling it. Feeling that void.

My mantra... "Just trust myself."

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