Monday, September 7, 2009

An Argument Worth Having

An Argument Worth Having [New York Times, September 08, 2009]

Debates, arguments, opinions... 
Whatever you want to call it, I always believed that the way to "win" is to know the viewpoint you are presenting and defending. The assurance that comes with one's defense is with the knowledge of as many viewpoints as possible. Because, let's face it, we do not know everything. Yet, we are responsible to inform ourselves as much as possible. In other words, don't start an argument on a topic about which you know next to nothing. Or, for that matter, initiate a discussion... but keep in mind (be aware) the limits of your knowledge. 

1 comment:

  1. that is so true...some people would start an argument just for the sake of arguing, without even giving a second thought of what they are saying...
