Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sometimes She Cries

[Previously posted November 02, 2008]

To every side of the story...

I remember growing up confused.
What was right and what was wrong.
Who to trust and who not to.
Friends? Enemies?
You never knew what was the thing to say...
the thing to do
nothing you ever did was good enough.
The backhanded compliments, the false pretences.

All I know is I am trying my best.
To make sense.
My actions may not necessarily be the right ones, but they make sense to me.
They do not need to make sense to anyone else.
And that's what I keep telling myself.

Now I realize that my actions need to make sense.
My thoughts, speech and actions need to make sense to the other person.
I need to make the effort to be as clear and direct as I am able to be.
While I know that no matter now much I may try to be clear and it is not in my control how the person may interpret or perceive my words/actions (thank you GFB), I need to know that I did my best in being as clear as I can be.
There is nothing wrong with being clear or direct. I need to not assume that the other person can read my mind (mind-reading) or that I can read that person's mind (which I know I cannot do).
I recognize that I made the same (similar) mistakes that the other person has made towards me.

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