Tuesday, September 8, 2009

When the Day is Done...

When the day is done and there is no where to go,
what else is there to do but to sit and take it slow?

Having a productive day today. Am recollecting an earlier conversation with my friend NF where I was telling her my plans for the week ahead as well as for the following week. I am certainly keeping myself busy. And, I wonder if this is a good thing for me - keeping busy. Aside from research, the clinic, workshops and the numerous outings with friends, there is quiet. Even the briefest moments of quiet can chill the warmest of hearts. The quiet almost permits my mind to ask the question, "Am I good person?"

And then... I have a conversation with an old friend (UDM) where I am told:
UDM: you knw what i like abt u;
i spill my guts, tell u exactly whats goin on in my head
n u accept everything abt me.

Update: September 20, 2009.
I was reading my meditation journal and I came across this line - When I stop trying to make a "label" for myself, I will be able to accept myself as I AM (whoever that may be).

1 comment:

  1. I have always said that your acceptance of people as they are is one of your most endearing qualities (among many others).
