Sunday, September 6, 2009

New York, New York

It has been too long NYC that I have been away. 

This weekend was particularly meaningful for me. I spent the weekend in the company of good friends, both old and new. It was a comfort to know that I was immediately welcomed with open arms, and invited to participate in social events this long weekend without having to even to ask for the company. It re-kindled in me the knowledge that I am cared for, and that my company is appreciated. [You would think that I should be aware of this, but I have come to the realization that it does not hurt to be appreciative of every instance that re-instills in one such a sense of belonging]. 

Friday evening I had the pleasure of a comforting Indian dinner at a restaurant where the waiter knew better then to question me (again) about my heritage and upbringing (sighs). After a brief session catching up with our individual situations, PW and I sat down to watch "The Watchmen" on blu-ray. I kept PW entertained with my karoke rendition of every song that made up the soundtrack of the movie [Author's Note: This must be one movie where I knew EVERY song]. Falling asleep circa 3:00 am, I woke close to 9:00 am the next morning. PW made me a cup of spiced tea and we chatted more about what ails me. Unfortunately, spice tea is NOT coffee. So, we headed out for a can of Starbucks espresso & cream and I was given a tour of the ever changing neighborhood that is Crown Heights, Brooklyn. A tour, at the end of which, I was telling PW that should I return to NYC I was moving into that neighborhood. More conversational back-and-forth and soon it was time for a shower and my departure from Brooklyn to Queens. Taking the 4 to Grand Central with a transfer onto the 7, I was soon in Queens. My friend MB lives in a very nice, quaint 2-bedroom house/apartment with a backyard where LM and their friend DS were preparing the BBQ. Several hours, alcohol and random conversations, I made two new friends. Before I knew it, it was 8:45 pm. I was not making my 9:00 pm bus back to Philadelphia, nor did I honestly want to return. NYC was home. I stayed the night helping MB and LM clear up the evidence of the BBQ, and went to bed in MB's room-mate's very comfortable bed at midnight. Again, I woke up at 7:30 am but stayed in bed until 9:30 am [Author's Note: If you sense the ire in these statements regarding my waking times, it's because I do not know if I am necessarily rested but I wake regardless]. Walking out of the room, I was greeted by a hungry LM and proceeded to the kitchen to help MB finish cleaning up and putting away the dishes, etc. Come 11:00 am, we were out sitting in the garden of a quaint bistro having Brunch. Good conversation and many cups of coffee later, I am now sitting in another cafe with LM writing this entry. Yes, I sit here not wanting to return to Philadelphia. Yes, I sit here hoping that I can simply stay in NYC and call it home. Yet, I know, I will be back. And when I return, it will welcome me with open arms. 

[Previously Posted August 17, 2008]
Where are you from? 
A question to which I never really know how to answer at times. 
Where is home for you?
An even more complex question; the difficulty for which may explain that I have for the first question. 

I have since learned that home is with you always. 
And, one can learn to makes home anew each place one visits where one remains long enough for the dust to settle.

Yet, no residence has placed such an imprint on my concept of home as New York City.


Yet, it was only recently that I realize how truly a "New Yorker" I am, and how I identify it as home... 


The book was company enough, and for once, I felt single but not alone. In this city, where many a stranger complain of being alone amongst a crowd, I felt different. I felt I was home. 

1 comment:

  1. you had an amazing weekend:)

    By the way, talking about "where is home for you?", there is a poem in malayalam which goes like, "...lokame tharavadu, njangalkee pookkalum puzhukkalum koodithan kudumbakkar..." [this world is my home. flowers, plants, and all the living beings are my family...]. this is exactly how i feel too, living miles away from home and being alone, all i could realize is that the "home is with me always".
