Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Super-Hero versus Super-Human

DC Comics = Superhero

Marvel Comics = Superhuman

Superman versus Spiderman. 

One an "alien" being on Earth enabled with super-powers, the other a simple kid who got bitten by a mutant spider and left to understand what to make of his new-found abilities. Both trying to juggle what it must be to fit into "normal" human society even with the knowledge that "normal" is not how they should be defined by the same society. While the former has a clear idea that his purpose is to do good and serve society, the latter struggles with his own human fantasies to eventual decipher what would be considered the responsible course of action. 

And for that simple reason, I am drawn to the superhuman over the caricature of the superhero. For we, "normal" humans, all struggle with having to face our fears/desires when making (sometimes tough) decisions that we hope will be the right one. Yet, what makes a decision the right one?            

At a talk last evening, I was presented with a decision-making scenario - one which I use often when it comes to my work, but now shown to be applicable in all domains of life. This scenario: Think not what is the more natural course of action, but rather what is the most beneficial course of action. It really is a question of what one's intentions are behind the choices one makes - are they coming from a self-centered or other-centered point of view? If we all took a little longer to stop and process what the intent of our actions is and what may be the repercussions of those actions towards the other person, we might come to understand "beneficial" course of action as one where we do not wish harm onto the other person. 

I had a written a similar post a long time ago, and someone left a comment stating something to the effect of, "even plans with the best of intentions can go awry." And to this, I finally reply: one cannot know the outcome of one's actions necessarily, but if one knows that one meant well at the time of action then one cannot fault oneself for things that may be out of one's control.  

And so my friends, with a little kindness and empathy for the next person, we can all be superhuman.                                                   

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