Thursday, September 3, 2009

Some Old Posts - Old Thoughts - To Keep in Mind

October 29, 2008

One time,
someone could tell me I was wrong, and I would be defensive..
I would be hurt,
even demonstrate passive aggression...
But now,
I would like to meet that person, shake his or her hand...
nod and say thank you,
explain my position, accept my wrong-doing, and make the choice
change or not?
that person and I
will move on together...because a true friend speaks
praise and offer encouragement with change

October 15, 2008

I learned my first lesson today with regards to love.
Trust your instincts.
I have learned that sometimes we get carried away with feelings,
good feelings that arise not necessarily from within,
but are contracted from the outside...
A more concrete example is believing your like someone, when simply the good feelings come from the wonder that it is to be liked by that someone.
For me, it amazes me how it can cloud and overwhelm.
Though, when the mist clears, I quickly come to realize the distinct sense that you can like a person but it does not necessarily mean anything more than that.

September 08, 2008

They took down three trees in my backyard,
Leaving me to cry.
Tonight, I was left standing,
With plans gone awry.
Yet, as I seat on my porch tonight,
A possum walks by.
It stops,
And we look each other in the eye.

Who is to say
....what a silver lining will look like
But when it reveals itself

August 29, 2008

Question: What do you when you meet someone, & you seem to be looking into a mirror?
Answer: You make that person your friend.

While it is scary to admit to yourself that staring at you may not necessarily be all the things you like about yourself, you cannot deny that there are strengths within that person you can also call your own.

Sometimes, we are so afraid to be confronted by that which fears us, we lose sight of those aspects we should be proud to display.

August 23, 2008

Very little needs to be said.
Other times,
Only words can make it real.

People say
You can tell in a touch,
even in a look...
But is it your imagination
making you out to be a fool

even words can be empty
actions supposedly
are louder...

Tell me then
In a whisper is it you feel

August 21, 2009

I was asked, "With whom are you the least anxious?"
I answered, "Members of my family"

There was no thought to it, no hesitation, no pause.
Today, I can say...
I feel the least anxious with members of my family.

I am happy.

August 18, 2008

Today, I chanced upon a discovery.

Something that all at once made my heart a-flutter and brought a tear to my eye.

Listening to Miles Davis' Flamenco Sketches (a favorite jazz piece), I could not help but suddenly recognize the piano piece that provides the foundation... another beautiful jazz piece I was introduced to not long ago.

And I sat.
And I listened to it again.
And I teared.
For it brought to mind many a joyous memory.
And I smiled.

August 12, 2008

A long time ago, someone dedicated the song "Something in The Way She Moves" by James Taylor to me.
I still hold it dear to my heart, as a memory of that individual and the knowledge that I am capable of being such a person to someone else in this world.
Many a person has walked into my life since that individual, and have hold varying opinions of me and my role in their life. I can only hope they have all been positive interactions. And if they should not be so, then I can only apologize to them and forgive myself.

August 11, 2008

Came across an interesting and well-written piece on Charles Van Doren by Stanley Fish, and was particularly impressed with a comment left by M. Levine.

We all make errors.
When one is exposed,
it’s only thru honest contrition and
self analysis that we can truly examine
our motivation. This realization is most
important if we are to mature.
When we succeed we become a proper
example to follow.

According to Mr Fish
Van Doren has not succeeded.
If so, tis a shame

— Posted by M Levine

August 02, 2008

You need to just not say what is on your mind
And not expect too much from yourself or others

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