Monday, February 1, 2010

A New Year, The Same Me

...albeit with a few modifications.

2009 ended and 2010 began with travels to the U.K. and France (Paris and Nimes).
And 2010 began with some decisions (not resolutions) to try something different or re-try something old.

The first decision was to make a concentrated effort at being a vegetarian. Most friends think it's about health or ethics or finances. It's none of these. It's about discipline - to acknowledge the options that are available to you and make that one choice to keep to your decision.

The second decision was to review the "stuff" that I have and decide whether I really need it (as oppose to want it). That which I do not need I then decided I am going to give away. This decision has since become a charity initiative organized by myself and a fairy friend VS.

The third decision was to totally (finally) cut-off all my financial apron-strings. This was the easiest for me to do, though toughest on my pocket. Yet, I have to start being realistic with my spending habits and the only way to become disciplined about that is to have some real sense of my financial "worth."

And one month into it, I am not doing too bad. Will keep you updated.