Monday, January 3, 2011


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year - 2011

Happy New Year!

This year, I decided to welcome the new year by attending an overnight meditation retreat at The Farmhouse - a beautiful refurbished mill house situated on 7 acres of property that functions as a safe space for people to rest, recover, and rejuvenate. The owner is Barbara Montgomery, an exceptional jazz vocalist, who decided to give her time to non-profit work for the benefit of youths.

The first evening of meditation was a solemn affair - the focus being the identification of negative acts & thoughts to allow for the subsequent removal of negative karma. The warmth of the room and the sombreness of the practice made it difficult to stay focused but there was a lot for me to visit over the past year. Honestly, as my mind took note of all the harm I may have done, my heart took a moment to register all the benefit / good I have had the pleasure to be a part of this past year. Where before I would be stricken with guilt, blaming myself for much wrong-doing and self-doubt, the past year ended with me acknowledging how human I am and that I can only grow from these experiences.

Indeed, I felt a lot of gratitude and joy for I realize how lucky I am. I have a father who takes the time to talk to me like an adult and make the effort to understand my point of view eventhough there are moments we do not see eye-to-eye. I have a mother who only wants the best for me - to not have me live this life alone. I have a brother who knows he can seek me out when he needs the support of a sister. This year has brought me new friends and deepen existing friendships. Finally, my heart, as it opens, has allowed me to recognize before me an individual I am coming to care for and love deeply - someone who provides me the greatest gift any girl can ask for - the effort to understand and accept me as I am ("tall order" so he says).

Once my stomach filled with delicious food, and everybody settled into their rooms, a summer camp atmosphere took over the farmhouse with people chatting, singing, and playing the various musical instruments in the hall. The clock struck 12:00 quietly, and everyone greeted each other with hugs, kisses, and well-wishes for the new year. Sleep came quickly after (once I put the phone down on a much treasured conversation).

The second day of meditation was a more light-hearted affair - after a 2 hour sitting, we shuffled around each other eating lunch with various people taking turn to play music and entertain. After lunch, we sat and were asked to make a wish for the new year. I knew immediately my wish (and will not write it here...) - it was a simple one. The day ended with a pleasant chat with my teacher over a cup of tea.

I start this year with a true revelation - I am happy.

May this year be a joyous one for you as well.
