Monday, September 21, 2009

Needs Versus Wants

I recall myself once saying that people tend to confuse wants with needs, and never vice versa.
Needs = Necessity
Wants = Desire/Wish

Somethings we come to believe are such requirements that to be without, we come to possibly believe we would not survive.
Yet, regardless of whether we have them or not, we continue to exist and exist well.
At times, we think of a want so much as a need that we forgo what we deserve in light of possessing that object of our desire.
We, humans, are so good at convincing ourselves that something that may not be a necessary thing for us (especially in circumstances where that object brings more harm than good) is a need, we forget to appreciate when something we want comes our way.

I've got nothing left
I've given my best
And I know I can't do this
On my own
I'm torn between
Going after dreams
Or living with regret
Of letting go
I'm done with banging my head against the door
But can you peel me off this floor
Cuz I don't know if I can get up again
What I want may not be what I need
Have I been let down?
Or am I learning now?
To trust in what I cannot see
But I'm tired of trying to figure out what you want
And tired of always screwing up
But this is all of me
What I want may not be what I need
Just let it go…
What I want may not be what I need

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