“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi
I always thought I was open to love.
I finally woke up and realize - I was never open to love. I was waiting to open to love.
I was waiting for the right moment, right place, right person who would open me to love.
I learned only I had the power to do that. Noone else. It has been the hardest lesson.
I found it hard only because I was so scared.
I was scared of the pain that comes with being open to love. It is very painful.
I am very sensitive to pain. Pain of rejection for who I am.
I am who I am. Accepting myself as I am is the first step to becoming open to love.
I am now opening my heart to love myself.
I feel the fear that comes with this process. I sense the pain attached with the fear.
I realize they are all created from within. Beneath all is calm.
I am who I am.