Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Box [A Rant]

[Why is it when I am asked a question about preferences, it ultimately becomes about genres? Do you like classic rock or post rock? Do you like suspense or gore? Do you like adventure or romance? Are you logic-driven or gut-driven (okay, I concede that this question is not about genres... but I hope you follow where I am going with this)?]

The other night (08/04/09), a friend JF told me that I am "the enigma" among our colleagues. WHY - I had to ask. The answer was simple: I am difficult to categorize. I cannot be put into a box. There is no little label to attach to me. I laughed; my curiosity only more piqued. [This echoed another experience I had with an individual who was attempting to date me [BD] - He happened to mention that I was always surprising him; he told me that once he had put me in one box, I would reveal something about myself that excluded me from being in that box. Note to people trying to date - Do NOT reveal to your "date" that you are trying to categorize them as it is insulting, imho.]

What is the need for one person to put another into some frame of reference? Does it make it easier for that individual to interact with the other? Are we not simply limiting our potential to relate to that person by applying some constraints to their identity, only to later be surprised should they fail to meet the requirements we put onto them?

I, personally, feel that I am constantly evolving as an individual. I always keep myself open to new experiences, and will never settle to limit myself. Of course, there is a core identity around which these new experience circumnavigate. Over time, at my discretion, I may incorporate these new experiences into my core identity. For example, I am a fan of many genres of music (none of which I will attest to being more a fan over the other), and yet I constantly find myself introduced to compositions/songs/bands from this day and before that impress. Another example was when I was asked if I liked Indian Pale Ales; my response was simply, "not currently, but it's really a matter of finding the one IPA that I will appreciate." The response was accepted with laughter, and this delighted me. Finally, I can be simply taken for just being me - no box necessary. I am K!

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